ব্লক (BLOCKS) | |
1 | ATT | ATTDEF | Opens attribute definition dialogue box | |
2 | ATTEDIT | ATTEDIT | Edit attribute values for a specific block | |
3 | B | BLOCK | Opens block dialogue box in order to make a block | |
4 | BATTMAN | BATTMAN | Opens block attribute manager | |
5 | BATTORDER | BATTORDER | Displays attribute order dialogue box | |
6 | BC | BCLOSE | Closes the block editor | |
7 | BCOUNT | BCOUNT | Counts the blocks in a drawing | |
8 | BE | BEDIT | Opens the edit block definition dialogue box | |
9 | EATTEXT | EATTEXT | Enhanced attribute extraction wizard to count blocks | |
10 | GATTE | GATTE | Global attribute edit of multiple blocks | |
11 | I | INSERT | Opens insert dialogue to insert a block | |
12 | MINSERT | MINSERT | Insert block in rectangular array | |
13 | REFEDIT | REFEDIT | Edit a block reference in place | |
14 | REN | RENAME | Opens rename dialogue box to rename blocks, layers, etc | |
15 | W | WBLOCK | Write a block - for use in other drawings | |
16 | XLIST | XLIST | Lists type/block name/layer name/color/linetype of a | |
17 | nested object in a block or an xref | |
18 |
| |
20 | |
21 | A | ARC | Draw an arc | |
22 | AL | ALIGN | Align an object with another | |
23 | AP | APPLOAD | Opens application load dialogue box | |
24 | AR | ARRAY | Opens array dialogue box | |
25 | AUDIT | AUDIT | Audit drawing for errors | |
26 | AV | DSVIEWER | Opens ariel view of drawing | |
27 | B | BLOCK | Opens block dialogue box | |
28 | C | CIRCLE | Draw a circle | |
29 | CO | COPY | Copy an object | |
30 | CHA | CHAMFER | Chamfer between 2 non-parallel lines | |
31 | COL | COLOR | Opens select color dialogue box | |
32 | D | DIMSTYLE | Opens dimstyle manager | |
33 | DC | ADCENTER | Opens designcenter | |
34 | DI | DIST | Check a distance | |
35 | DIV | DIVIDE | Inserts point node a set division | |
36 | DO | DONUT | Draw a solid donut shape | |
37 | DV | DVIEW | Perspective view | |
38 | E | ERASE | Erase a selection | |
39 | EX | EXTEND | Extend a selection | |
40 | F | FILLET | Draw an arc between 2 intersecting lines | |
41 | FI | FILTER | Opens filter dialogue box | |
42 | FLATTEN | FLATTEN | Converts 3D to 2D | |
43 | G | GROUP | Launches the group dialogue box | |
44 | H | HATCH | Opens hatch and gradient dialogue box | |
45 | I | INSERT | Insert a block | |
46 | J | JOIN | Joins 2 objects to form single object | |
47 | JPGOUT | JPGOUT | Creates a JPEG file of current drawing | |
48 | L | LINE | Draw a line | |
49 | LA | LAYER | Opens layer manager | |
50 | LE | QLEADER | Draw a leader line (may need to adjust settings) | |
51 | LI or LS | LIST | Display information about objects in a text window | |
52 | LO | LAYOUT | Creates a new layout tab | |
53 | LTS | LTScale | Change the linetype scale | |
54 | M | MOVE | Move a selection | |
55 | MA | MATCHPROPERTIES | Match properties of an object | |
56 | O | OFFSET | Offset a selection | |
57 | OP | OPTIONS | Launches options dialogue box | |
58 | P | PAN | Pan in drawing | |
59 | PE | POLYEDIT | Edit a polyline | |
60 | PL | PLINE | Draw a polyline | |
61 | PLOT/PRINT | PRINT | Opens plot/print dialogue box | |
62 | PO | POINT | Point marker or node - DDPTYPE to change pointstyle | |
63 | PR/CH/MO | PROPERTIES | Opens properties dialogue box | |
64 | PU | PURGE | Opens purge dialogue box to remove unused elements | |
65 | RE | REGEN | Regenerate the display | |
66 | REC | RECTANG | Draw a rectangle | |
67 | RO | ROTATE | Rotate a selection | |
68 | SP | SPELL | Spell check a selection - ALL to check entire drawing | |
69 | T | MTEXT | Insert multiline text | |
70 | TB | TABLE | Opens insert a table dialogue box | |
71 | TP | TOOLPALETTES | Displays toolpalette | |
72 | TR | TRIM | Trim a selection | |
73 | U | UNDO | Undo last command | |
74 | UN | UNITS | Opens units dialogue box | |
75 | V | VIEW | Opens view dialogue box | |
76 | W | WBLOCK | Write a block | |
77 | WHOHAS | WHOHAS | Displays who has a drawing open | |
78 | X | EXPLODE | Explode a selection | |
79 | XR | XREF | Opens x-reference manager | |
80 | Z | ZOOM | Zoom in display - A=All, E=EXTENTS, W=WINDOW | |
81 |
| |
83 | |
84 |
| |
85 | CTRL+0 | CLEANSCREEN | Turns user interface elements on/off | |
86 | CTRL+1 | PROPERTIES | Turns properties on/off | |
87 | CTRL+2 | ADCENTER | Turns design center on/off | |
88 | CTRL+3 | TOOLPALETTES | Turns tool palettes window on/off | |
89 | CTRL+8 | QUICKCALC | Launches calculator window | |
90 | CTRL+A |
| Select all | |
91 | CTRL+C | COPYCLIP | Copies objects to clipboard | |
92 | CTRL+H |
| Turns a group on or off | |
93 | CTRL+J |
| Repeats last command | |
94 | CTRL+N | NEW | Opens create new drawing dialogue box | |
95 | CTRL+O | OPEN | Opens the select file dialogue box | |
96 | CTRL+P | PLOT | Opens the plot dialogue box | |
97 | CTRL+R | CVPORT | Switches between viewports | |
98 | CTRL+S | QSAVE | Save drawing as dialogue box | |
99 | CTRL+SHIFT+ |
| Save as | |
100 | S |
| |
101 | CTRL+V | PASTECLIP | Pastes data from clipboard to drawing | |
102 | CTRL+X | CUTCLIP | Removes select object from drawing to clipboard | |
103 | CTRL+Y | REDO | Performs the operation cancelled by UNDO | |
104 | CTRL+Z | UNDO | Undoes the last operation | |
105 | CTRL+TAB |
| Switches between open drawings | |
106 | CTRL+PAGE |
| Switch up between layout tabs | |
107 | UP |
| |
108 |
| |
109 | CTRL+PAGE |
| Switch down between layout tabs | |
110 | DOWN |
| |
111 |
| |
112 | ARROW |
| Recall last command | |
113 | UP/Down |
| |
114 |
| |
115 | DS | DRAFTING SETTING | Open the drafting setting dialogue box | |
116 |
| |
118 | |
119 |
| |
120 | F1 | HELP | Opens Autocad help | |
121 | F2 | TEXTSCR GRAPHSCR | Switches between text screen and graphic area | |
122 | F3 | OSNAP | Switches osnap on/off | |
123 | F4 | 3D SNAP | Open the 3D object snap setting dialogue box | |
124 | F5 | ISOPLANE | Cycles through isoplanes | |
125 | F6 | COORDS | Turns coordinate display on/off | |
126 | F7 | GRID | Turns grid on/off | |
127 | F8 | ORTHO | Turns ortho on/off | |
128 | F9 | SNAP | Turns snap on/off | |
129 | F10 | POLAR | Turns polar on/off | |
130 | F11 | OSNAP TRACK | Turns object snap tracking on/off | |
131 | F12 | DYNMODE | Turns dynamic input on/off | |
132 |
| |
133 | TEXT | |
134 | |
135 | %%C | Ø | Diameter dimensioning symbol | |
136 | %%D | ° | Degrees symbol | |
137 | %%O | OVERSCORE | Toggles overscore mode on/off | |
138 | %%U | UNDERSCORE | Toggles underscore on/off | |
139 | %%P | ± | Plus/minus symbol | |
140 |
| |
141 | LAYER | |
142 | |
143 | LA | LAYER | Opens layer manager | |
144 | LAYFRZ | LAYERFREEZE | Freeze a layer by selecting object | |
145 | LAYISO | LAYERISOLATE | Isolates a layer by selecting object | |
146 | LAYLCK | LAYERLOCK | Lock a layer by selecting object | |
147 | LAYMCH | LAYERMATCH | Match properties of a layer | |
148 | LAYMRG | LAYERMERGE | Moves objects from first layer to second and deletes first | |
149 | LAYOFF | LAYEROFF | Switches a layer off | |
150 | LAYON | LAYERON | Switches all layers on except frozen layers | |
151 | LAYTHW | LAYTHW | Thaws all layers | |
152 | LAYWALK | LAYERWALK | Walk through layers | |
153 | LMAN | LMAN | Access Layer manager to save and restore layer states | |
154 | LAYCUR | LAYERCURRENT | Change objects to current layer | |
155 | LAYDEL | LAYERDELETE | Delete a layer by selecting object | |
156 |
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